

Install Community Software Manager

To get started with the Community Software Manager, follow these simple steps:

1. Extract the Archive

After downloading the .zip archive, extract it using any archive tool.

2. Access the App

Navigate to the extracted folder and find the executable file corresponding to your operating system:

  • For MacOS: .app file
  • For Linux: binary file
  • For Windows: .exe file

3. Run the Application

Double-click the executable file to run the Community Software Manager.

Setup Your Users

Contact us for a custom python script that will handle all your users, in your own format, no matter how many users you have, or the format, run the .exe provided by us to setup your twitter accounts, and you're done. All new users can be found in the users/ folder or go directly onto the software, Manage Users, and click on the "Refresh" logo in the search input.

Setting up your users yourself is easy. Follow these steps:

1. Buy or Create your users with ct0 and auth_token key

2. Choose the format of your file (if one line one variable format, make sure the credentials are well formatted in the file

Format One Line One Variable (without 2fa)

Username xxxxx
Password xxxxx
Mail xxxxx
Ct0 xxxxx
Auth_token xxxxx

Offical Format (separated by ":" or ";") :


Format Hstock Offical (without 2fa) (separated by ":" or ";") :


Format One Line One Variable (with 2fa)

Username xxxxx
Password xxxxx
Mail xxxxx
Ct0 xxxxx
Auth_token xxxxx
2fa xxxxx  (or 2facode xxxxx, or 2fa_code xxxxx)

Format Hstock Offical (with 2fa) (separated by ":" or ";")






3. Open "Add New User(s)" Window, Load the file(s) and click on "Start loading users"

Final Users file format used on TweetSyncAI: (Folder: users/) if you want to setup the users yourself you can use the following format:

No 2fa:

    "username": "xxxxx",
    "password": "xxxxx",
    "mail": "xxxxx",
    "ct0": "xxxxx",
    "auth": "xxxxx"
    "proxy": "host:port:username:password",
    "proxy_type": "SOCKS5",
    "2fa_flag": false,
    "last_notification_scrap": "2024-01-01|00:00",
    "last_connection_time": "2024-01-01|00:00"

With 2fa:

    "username": "xxxxx",
    "password": "xxxxx",
    "mail": "xxxxx",
    "ct0": "xxxxx",
    "auth": "xxxxx"
    "proxy": "host:port:username:password",
    "proxy_type": "SOCKS5",
    "2fa_flag": true,
    "2fa_code": "xxxxx",
    "last_connection_time": "2024:09_21-18:22",
    "last_notification_scrap": "2024:08_23-00:10"

Required fields for every users on TweetSyncAI:

  • username: Twitter username
  • ct0: Twitter ct0 key
  • auth: Twitter auth token key
  • proxy: Proxy details
  • proxy_type: Proxy type
  • 2fa_flag: 2fa flag

Required fields for every users on TokenGenerator:

  • username: Twitter username
  • password: Twitter password
  • mail: Twitter mail
  • proxy: Proxy details (optional, use "noproxy" if you don't want to use a proxy)

Hour format of the last_connection_time and last_notification_scrap: YYYY:MM_DD-HH:MM

Configure Settings

1. Open Settings Window

The settings are stored in the settings.json file in the same directory as the application executable.

2. OpenAI API Key

Create an OpenAI account and Create your API Key to use OpenAI Models

3. Astro Proxy API Key

Create an Astro Proxy account to be able to have Residential proxy for each of the users

4. Number of previous message to give the AI as context

More context could allow you to have a better generated message, but some AI models as limited to 4000 tokens so too much context will not work all the time

Verifiy Your License Key

Once your Community Software Manager is installed and configured, you can enter your License Key, only once is needed, then it will store the license key in the current directory as "licensefile.skm"

You can also loggin to the website to retrieve your License Key,update your email, username, and password in the user menu.